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Rockstar Games Social Club (also known as Rockstar Social Club or simply Social Club) is an online platform developed and run by Rockstar Games for use with their latest generation of products. Its main purpose is digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming, and online communication. Rockstar Games Social Club was first announced on 27, March 2008 and pre-registration began on 14 April later that year. The name is a reference to organized crime, which commonly uses the term “social club” to describe a hideout or meeting place. The service received a major update in 2012, prior to the release of Max Payne 3. The main change was an addition of social networking features and the “Crews” system which allows players to form groups and combine their achievements. Together they can unlock certain extras and bonus features. Rockstar Social Club currently works with the following games: GTA IV, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire, and Max Payne 3.Only the best games! Only the best Prices! Check out our discounts during the Black Week!Hide
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