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Mac Visual Novel Bestsellers

4.5 from 2777 reviews

Mac is not the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “gaming”. Yes, mobile games are extremely popular on iPhone and iPad but when it comes to big, triple-A titles, Mas seems to stay behind PC and home gaming consoles. Even though Apple devices were always cutting edge, they are still not associated with video games. You might not know this, but gaming on Mac computers is nothing new. In fact, the first Mac video games are pretty old and date back to the late 1970s. These games include titles such as Global War, Asteroids in Space, and Flight Simulator. The number of Mac titles never equaled (and probably never will) the number of PC or console games, but there were blockbusters and advanced titles as well. Myst (released in 1993), Sim City 2000 (1993), Wolfenstein 3D (1994), Command and Conquer (1996), and Diablo (1997) are just a few of them. And now? Look at titles like BioShock, DragonAge, and Guitar Hero. The Mac’s video game library may not be as extensive as PC’s or PlayStation’s but it certainly isn’t as bad as one might think. The iOS system is very fluid and efficient, and because of that gaming on Mac can be pretty entertaining.
The visual novel is an interactive video game, featuring almost exclusively static graphics and often using anime-style art. Video footage may also be featured in a visual novel but it’s very rare. As the name suggests, this genre resembles a mixed-media novel. Most visual novels are developed for video game consoles but the best games of that genre have occasionally been ported to other systems - even to PC. The main thing that distinguishes visual novels from other videogame types is their minimal gameplay. The majority of player interaction is limited to clicking to keep the text and graphics moving. By doing so, players are making narrative choices. Even though the market for visual novels outside of East Asia is quite small, there is a large group of hardcore anime fans in the Western world. Because of that visual novels are deceptively popular. Are you a visual novel fan? On Games Republic you will find only the best titles of that genre!

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Mac Visual Novel Bestsellers
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