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PC Digital Max Payne

4.1 from 1895 reviews

Who doesn’t know what a PC is? Personal Computers are one of the most defining features of our time. Machines that are great for work, for fun and for studying. But what PC really is? The Wiki says it’s a “multi-purpose electronic computer whose size, capabilities and price make it feasible for individual use”. But it gets better: “Personal Computers are intended to be operated directly by an end-user, rather than by a computer expert or technician”. Computers were originally invented to “compute” and solve complex mathematical problems. Today, everything is different and their original purpose is actually the least important one. Instead, they are used for gathering data (internet), entertainment (video games, movies, music, etc) and work. Since the early 1990s, Microsoft operating systems and Intel hardware have dominated the PC market. There are alternatives to Microsoft Windows operating system but they still occupy a minority share of the industry. These include Apple's iOS and free open-source operating systems (e.g. Linux and Chrome OS).
Max Payne is a video game franchise created by Remedy Entertainment and Rockstar Studios. It is named after the game’s protagonist, Max Payne, a detective who became a vigilante after the murder of his entire family. The series' first (2001) and second (2003) installments were written by Sam Lake and Max Payne 3 (2012) by Dan Houser. There was also a movie adaptation, loosely based on the original game, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. The movie came out in 2008. The Max Payne franchise is notable for its introduction and use of “bullet time” in many of its action sequences. All three games were very positively received by critics and gamers alike. The series has sold over 10 million copies worldwide and is to this day considered by many players as one of the most influential in TPP action games. Max Payne, one of the best TPS games of all time, is available at Games Republic. Get your own copy now and use the legendary bullet time!

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